If The Curious Score is mostly canonical, then this is everything else, including thematic fragments, works in progress, and anything else that isn't formally a part of the canon (unless stated otherwise) or simply doesn't belong in The Curious Score for any other reason.
Feedback, questions, and requests are always welcome.
List of Music
Supplemental Music No. 2
August 28, 2016
In this music, which is a remix of the Ieik theme (itself a theme associated with Galavar), I fancifully imagine Galavar suddenly being faced with a decision. Anime-style, the world around him stops and the background scenery is replaced with some kind of abstract nonsense as he contemplates, in the most overdramatic fashion possible, some pointlessly simple decision, like what flavor of pizza rolls to buy. This music accompanies his deliberations, concluding with his triumphant decision.
Supplemental Music No. 1
February 20, 2016
"Three Elementary Variations on the Traveling Theme"
In terms of music that I've composed but haven't published, the Traveling Theme is one of the most important themes in The Curious Score. This demonstration piece articulates it three different ways, so that you can familiarize yourself with it and listen for it in other pieces. Read More
O day and night, but this is wondrous strange!