The Curious Tale Home

If this if your first time visiting, welcome!

This site is the online home of The Curious Tale, a cycle of fantasy fiction by The Sinistral, set in the world of Relance and consisting of a central story called After The Hero and various supplementary stories, world lore, and features. After The Hero itself hasn’t been published yet, so if you’re looking for it and can’t find it, that’s why.

On this site you can find a great deal of free reading, such as the Prelude to After The Hero, various weekly features, and links to purchase my work or support my Patreon. The weekly features offer a fresh dose of all things Relance. Check in every week to read what’s new.

The main navigation menu is on the right-hand side and can take you to any section of the site. The section navigation menu is on the left-hand side and can take you to any page within the section. On both menus you can hover your mouse over the button to see more options.

If the site isn’t displaying correctly for you, make sure your browser window is maximized and that you’re using a laptop, desktop, or modern tablet with a full-size display. This website is homemade and there isn’t a mobile version yet, though there will be eventually. As you can tell, I'm not as good of a web developer as I am a writer. =]

O day and night, but this is wondrous strange!